Fall events / classes schedule

Barber Training

ADVANCED Barber Training for Apprentice Barbers

Join 2-WEEK Program Available Spring 2024 

Full tuition $1295 


Inquier about scheduling options 

  1.  Get Advanced Classes at NYC Barber Shop Museum:

  One on One Workshops

  • Classic Layer Cut techniques
  • High Fades in transition from 4/5/6 buzzer numbers to scissors on top


  Master Classes

  • How to Present Yourself
  • How to Attract a Customer

      The Point of View on Safety Regulations



  • How to open up a Barber Shop
  • How to run a Business 

      History and Traditions of Men's Grooming Industry


2.  Follow then a real experience of Apprentice Barber operation in a working  Barber Shop under the supervision of a Master Barber. 

      Locations may vary. 

      Get your experience in a busy Midtown or Upper West Side Manhattan areas.

3.  Get FREE access to additional video materials on educational platform BarberOnline.org  


 4.  Get a Certification upon Completion


FILL the form below this page to apply.
Full tuition $1295


Boost your career and professional growth in a Barbering under the supervision of a 4th Generation Master Barber and Business Owner, Founder of NYC Barber Shop Museum and leading educator Arthur Rubinoff.



Current License:


What would be a schedule?

Schedules would be individual for each participant. You will reached out before starting date for confirmation.

If there are any necessary dates of absence, they will be taken in consideration and discuss before the program starts.

Who is teaching?

Arthur Rubinoff will be teaching one on one classes and workshops. Further training in working barbershops will be under the supervision of variety licensed master barbers.

Can I get a job upon completion?

It can be discussed individual based on personal results and willing. Apprenticeship can be extended until Barber License receiving on a special terms of work that can be discussed.

How can I pay?

Payment Link is available.

If you are not making a payment with your application link will be sent to you once again upon submission in reply email.