Classic cuts, vintage artifacts make up this old-school-themed Manhattan barber shop - Eyewitness News abc7
By Domenick Candelieri
Monday, June 10, 2019
UPPER WEST SIDE, Manhattan (WABC) -- There's a classic cut of history at one barber shop in Manhattan.
The NYC Barbershop Museum, located on the Upper West Side, is home to an array of colorful vintage artifacts and also a working, old-school barber shop.
Fourth-generation Master Barber Arthur Rubinoff is the brainchild behind the museum that pays homage to 100 years of barbering.
The Russian-born Rubinoff said his father started collecting vintage pieces from 1991.
"Anywhere we went, like to the flea market or to any antique stores, he used to buy vintage pieces, small pieces," Rubinoff said. "Each piece has a history. You don't know who has been cut by this razor or these scissors."
In 2003, he lost his father, and those pieces became sentimental to Rubinoff.